• Noticias y Novedades

    Noticias y Novedades

Boletín Normativo - Abril 2022

Novedades Destacadas

  • Relajación de requerimientos COVID para ingresar al país
  • COVID y lugar de trabajo
  • Restricciones cambiarias y acceso al MULC – Importaciones
  • Precio del Biodiesel y Bioetanol


Administrative Decision 370/22 – Relaxation of COVID related Requirements for entering the Country

By means of Administrative Decision Nº 370/2022, Chief of Staff abrogates several restrictions and requirements related to COVID-19 for entering the country, regarding both argentines and foreigners. Nonresident foreigners shall comply with the filing of the affidavit provided under Resolution 1472/20 regarding vaccination status and lack of symptoms, and hire health insurance. Argentines and residents shall comply with the aforementioned affidavit.

Resolution Nº 705/22 – COVID and workplace

Resolution Nº705/22 sets forth certain recommendations for preventing COVD 19, abrogates the 2-meter social distance requirement and recommends an individual medical evaluation on the employee in order to determine the way in which said employee should render its services (whether on-site or home-office) not being enough the fact of being included in the risk groups identified in Resolution Nº627/20.

Communication Nº 7488/22 – New category of SIMI

By means of Communication “A” Nº 7488/2022 and in connection with the restrictions for paying imports, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (“BCRA”) creates the SIMI – Category C and determines the requirements to be met in order to access the Exchange Market with said SIMI in the same conditions as the ones granted by SIMI - Category A or B in EXIT status. In addition, the communication establishes that the annual limit for SIMI – Category C will be determined by the difference between the limit assigned for Category A and the higher of the two amounts considered for purposes of establishing such limit.

Resolution Nº 414/22 – REPRO II

By means of Resolution Nº 414/2022, the Ministry of Labor adopts the recommendations issued by the Evaluation Committee of the Repro II Program, which sets forth the parameters to be met by companies in order to access the benefits under the program regarding the salaries accrued during March 2022.

General Resolution Nº 4/22 – Legal Domicile of Simplifies Stock Corporations (SAS)

By means of General Resolution N° 4/2022, the Superintendence of Corporations (“IGJ”) set forth the way in which the existence and veracity of the domicile of a Simplified Stock Corporations (SAS) shall be evidenced upon incorporation or modification of same

Resolution Nº 420/22 – REPRO Program

By means of Resolution Nº 420/2022, the Ministry of Labor creates the “Recovery and Productive Support Program" (REPRO) destined to private companies in critical economic situation according to the terms of the Program, which have not reduced personnel in more than 20% during the last 12 months as of registration in the Program. The purpose of the Program consists on an individual money allowance to said companies’ employees on account of salary payment. The Resolution determines the characteristics of the subsidy and the procedure and parameters in order to access the benefits under the Program.


Resolution Nº 185/22 – Price of Bioethanol (Sugar Cane and Corn)

By means of Resolution Nº 185/2022, the Secretariat of Energy set forth the price of bioethanol obtained from sugar cane and corn destined for mandatory mixture with petrol (Law 27,640) applicable to operations performed as of March 14th 2022 until the date in which a new price is published.

Resolution Nº 279/22 - Price of Bioethanol (Corn)

By means of Resolution Nº 279/2022, the Secretariat of Energy set forth the price of bioethanol obtained from corn destined for mandatory mixture with petrol (Law 27,640) applicable to operations performed during the months of April 2022 to August 2022.

Resolution Nº 209/22 – Price of Biodiesel

By means of Resolution Nº 209/2022, the Secretariat of Energy set forth monthly prices of biodiesel destined for mandatory mixture with diesel (under Law No 27,640) until August 2022

Please, do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any further questions or comments:

María Victoria Tiscornia
Senior Associate
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+54 11 4326-7777

Leandro Martin Orts
Senior Associate
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+54 11 4326-7777

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