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Legal Newsletter - February 2022

Relevant News

  • Update of Mobile Unit Value
  • Reference value for exportations and importations
  • Price of Bioethanol
  • Transport.Ar Program


Resolutions Nº 35/2022 – Update of the Mobile Unit Value

By means of Resolution Nº35/2022, the Secretariat of Commerce updates the value of the Mobile Unit for 2022. The new value was determined in ARS 83,45. The Mobile Unit is used in the anti-trust (Law Nº27,442) and fair trade regulations.

Resolutions Nº 5148/22, 5152/22 and 5153/22 – Reference Values Applicable to Exportations

By means of Resolutions Nº 5148/22, 5152/22 and 5153/22, the General Direction of Customs sets forth new values of reference for the export of certain products provided therein (concentrated must, lemon essential oil and shrimps) to certain countries. Also, by Resolution Nº 5148/22, the General Direction of Customs abrogates Resolution Nº 4946/21 (which established reference values for the export of concentrated must).

Resolutions Nº 5149/22 and 5150/22 – Reference Values Applicable to Importation

By means of Resolutions Nº 5149/2021 and 5150/21, the General Direction of Customs sets forth new values of reference for the importation of certain products provided therein (plastic games and toys and costume jewelry)

Resolution Nº 113/22 – REPRO II

By means of Resolution Nº 113/2022, the Ministry of Labor sets forth the dates for applying for REPRO II Program’s benefits regarding the salaries corresponding to February 2022 and the guidelines to be considered in order to apply the pre-selection criteria determined under the Repro II program.


Resolution Nº 66/21 – Price of Bioethanol (Sugar Cane and Corn)

By means of Resolution Nº 66/2022, the Secretariat of Energy determines the price applicable to the acquisition of bioethanol obtained from sugar cane and corn destined for mandatory mixture with petrol (Law 27,640).

Resolution Nº 67/21 and Decree Nº 76/22 – Transport.Ar Program

By means of Resolution Nº 67/2022, regulated by Decree Nº 76/2022, the Secretariat of Energy creates the “Transport.Ar Producción Nacional” Gas Pipeline System Program (the, “Program”) which purposes, among others, are the performance of the works necessary to promote the development, increase in production and supply of natural gas, the substitution of LNG and Gas Oil-Fuel Oil imports, ensure energy supply, optimize the national gas transport system and increasing natural gas exports to neighboring countries. The Resolution provides a detail of the works to be executed in the first stage and in the subsequent stages of the Program and appoints Integración Económica Argentina S.A. (“IEASA”) for the construction and performance of the pipelines by itself or by means of third parties. Decree Nº76/2022 grants IEASA a gas transport concession regarding Néstor Kirchner pipeline and regulates some aspects of the transport service to be granted by IEASA, authorizes IEASA to execute the works under the program in accordance with Public Works Act Nº13,064 and creates the “FONDESGAS” fund for purposes of administrating the resources and financing of the works to be executed under the Program.

Decree Nº 98/22 – Tax on Liquid Fuels and Carbone Dioxide

By means of Decree Nº 98/2022, the Executive Branch sets forth that the increase of tax on liquid fuels and carbone dioxide (art 4, subsection d, art 7, and art 11 Law 23,966) corresponding to 2021, shall be effective, regarding unleaded gasoline, virgin gasoline and diesel, as of 1st June, 2022.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any further questions or comments:

María Victoria Tiscornia
Senior Associate
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+54 11 4326-7777

Leandro Martin Orts
Senior Associate
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+54 11 4326-7777